What is 360 seamless, mapped compression?

Designed to provide 360 mapped compression where you need it (ie: axilla, upper & lower pole) and reduced compression where you don’t (ie: breast cup, band, upper back) so that you can wear your Hugger comfortably but securely 24/7.

It means that our Huggers can fit and support almost any body with it’s unique perks and quirks, easily and well.

The fabric is knitted with different, strategically placed levels of tension in order to provide different compression, support and stretch in different zones so that the compression works in 360* without a single seam or sew line in the wrong place.

It also means that you can stretch your Hugger in literally any direction and it all stretches at the same rate (except the fasteners, ahem). Go on, try it!

Our Huggers fit your world and your body; we don’t expect you to struggle into ours! 💛